From Bonaparte to Napoleon

1769 to 1821

15th May 1768 

Treaty of Versailles. 

The Republic of Genoa sold Corsica to France.

In this historical context Napoleon Bonaparte was born (15th August 1769) in Ajaccio on the Island of Corsica.

Through Napoleon's different signatures you have a survey of our most famous french man's life.

1799 : "Coup d'état du 18 Brumaire". The Consulate till 1804. 

1804 till 1814 : "The Empire" : proclaimed himself Emperor under the name of Napoléon 1st.

1814 : Banishment on the Island of Elba. Back to France in March 1815.

1815 : Second banishment on the Island of Ste Hélène where he dies at Longwood the 5th of May 1821.


Signatures of Napoleon

New logo of the hotel

Our new logo which correspond to the signature of "the Treaty of Peace" between France and Russia.